During the month of December, you guys, unexpectedly and generously sent considerably more donations. I was already planning on expanding but couldn’t afford it. This give me the opportunity and open doors.

So I decided to change up the site’s design. This new design now allows for video streaming! I know I already have the other “server” but it lacks some life to it and most of all, COMMENTS. The comment section of the site will now double as comments for the videos. So now you can see comment while watching, especially in “Lightbox mode”.
Unfortunately, I have almost no video available BUT in the next 30 days A LOT will be added.

Streaming will be the new focus. It doesn’t mean I’ll stop uploading but I need to change with the times to stay afloat. I WILL not last by only uploading (I was pretty much dead in December) which is why you’ve seen much less uploads on 2019. I swear, I was basically going to quit in December but Y’ALL DONE IT AGAIN. Let’s see how far this takes us…

I would have finished this probably 6 days faster but unfortunately, despite me trying, I FAILED desirably to adopt the work discipline needed… although it’s been better the past 2 or so days…

Let me know what you guys think of the new design and of streaming in general.

I almost forgot, the site is Under Construction. Things are subject to change.

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Good luck on your new plans. Hope you don’t abandon uploading. I like your encodes


I completely agree! ^-^