I had this idea…

I’ll be adding an SSD to the server! If I run the site off of it and use it correctly, you guys SHOULD be getting very fast speeds and more responsiveness (from the site’s stand point) and MAYBE faster downloads / streaming / torrenting.
There hasn’t been very much feedback at all in regards to the server but I’ll assume you guys like it since you used over 1453GB in one day (streaming / direct downloads)! But I still don’t know if there are slow downs, connection issues or more of the such…

This is a risk, as the monthly cost will increase. It’s by a little but It will still be above my comfort level. I’m hoping that future donations from the new increased speeds will compensate for it or something… YOLO.

I hope I have enough. I could be like 4$ off or something…

March 10 Edit: This is taking forever to get…

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NO feedback? Psssh. On mobile Café net (Starshmucks) it downloads great. Keep it up!


Thank you so much for all the hard work and wonderful re-encodes throughout the years. <3