Since last Friday, 8 days ago, the SSD was installed and I was at WORK. Now, yes 8 days later, I finally finished configuring the server.

The site is now faster! The pages SHOULD load fast, torrents are faster and the direct download server NoobFTP1 v2.0 SHOULD be getting some pretty good speeds, 0.7 to 2 megabytes per second download streams (obviously, your internet needs to be fast enough to reach those).

…Even better, now, on the back-end, I NO LONGER HAVE TO WAIT 15 to 30 seconds per page load while working on the site!!!! Basically, it was like this: – Login *60s-100s wait*, – go to post *10s wait*, – check a post *20s wait*, – go to new post *12s wait*, save post *30s-90s wait*, etc.) Maybe I’ll be doing more now without all the heavy wait time slowing me down.

I believe I fixed some massive issue too! Videos would be really fast then just stop streaming or got really slow after you tried to fast forward. This must of been there from the beginning but… no one said anything… Did you guys have this problem?

All of this would be impossible without yall support. This was entirely because there was an increase in donations that month, basically there was one guy who donated like 50$ extra, so I decided to improve the site. 🙂

Because of you guys, this site is currently seeding over 554+ torrents and the Direct Download Server NoobFTP1 v1.0 was getting over 2 terabytes of transfers per day!!!


Edit2: Added 12 torrent to NoobFTP1.

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